I was within 10 inches of a Lion this morning

For the last four days I’ve been with friends on a game reserve in South Africa.

Although I have always had strong convictions about the importance of travel, this trip is really something else. 

We are staying on a piece of land I cannot even fathom how to explain its vastness.

Animals of different species work in unison to stay alive. Others work together to help kill and feed. 

Similarly, there are humans out to help protect this entire ecosystem… others out to make a quick dollar regardless of the impact. 

My point being

With all I have already learned and have seen, there are a multitude of comparisons we can make. 

Whether it be looking at ourselves, our friend groups, families, or our society at large. 

Each time I write a newsletter it is either from the lens of teaching or convincing the reader of something. That’s just how copywriting framework is. 

But today, I am going to enjoy learning and I encourage you to do the same. 

There is more than our own towns and perspectives. Much more than how our cities run and we live in our own bubbles.

Lets try leaving them more frequently. 


The Stickers on your laptop created a $40.8B Market.


Asking your date their sign has created a $2.2B market.