Asking your date their sign has created a $2.2B market.

I don’t not believe in star signs, but I couldn’t tell you what signs are for different birthdays. 

I feel like Michael Scott.

I’m not superstitious. But, but I am a little-stitious.

I have a select few friends that really believe in this stuff. It’s their reason for relationship compatibility, or Mars being in retrograde is the reason I’ve been running slower miles. Oh! And the comments on how I’m “such a gemini”. 

But at the end of the day — these believers are building an empire. 

Throughout history in moments of extreme uncertainty there is usually a rush towards finding meaning. Many times that’s religion — like during the 2008 Recession for instance, church attendances exponentially grew.

Astrology’s popularity was always about the same until the COVID Pandemic — there was a +65% rise in Astrology App usages alone.

I also am one of the many too start looking at my co-star app more frequently — I’m not shooting down on these people looking for meaning. But wow humans are predictable. 

The things I found the most interesting? 

  • 60% of Millennials believe and significantly participate in “new age spirituality”.

  • Spiritual Mediums account for 20% of the $2.2B income.

  • The astrology industry as a whole has increase + 75% since 2016 and is projected to rise again to $2.3B by the end of 2023.

  • Globally, the Astrology market is sitting at 12.8B and is projected to grow to $22.8B by 2031. (CAGR of 5.7% from 2022-2031).

  • Co-star App (the second highest App download in this market) made $360M in 2022, up from $293M in 2021 in Net income — thats a 26% increase!

  • Astrology has high retention rates, as people download apps they continue to use them for very long periods of time.

  • This industry is mostly female occupied, leaning heavily in Millennials and Gen Z.

People identify with their signs, when they find something that *hits home* they want to share it. Sending in group chats, on instagram has made word of mouth rapid for this industry. 

Apps like Co-Star let you follow your friends charts and they will even give you readings on your best friendships that day based on star signs.

So, yea, your interest in your dates star sign is helping industry leaders capitalize on your dollar. 

Maybe I should start writing about astrology outlooks? Is mars is going into retrograde?


I was within 10 inches of a Lion this morning


Avocados contribute $4B to yearly US GDP.