Avocados contribute $4B to yearly US GDP.

Fruit has marketing teams.

Do you ever think about how all of a sudden avocados were all the rage.

Not sure if this is public knowledge (maybe this is the nerd in me), but you can google marketing plans that specific farm unions put out.

like this one. or this.

I was thinking about this recently because I spend $16 on 3 yellow dragon fruits last weekend.

Have you tried one? They’re like fresh, natural amazing sorbet. Cut them in half and just eat with a spoon.


But they only recently have a ton of traction- especially on TikTok. The fruit went viral.

I was reading on the fruit. Idk why, this is just where my brain goes.

The fruit only came to the American market in the fall of 2017. They are grown in Ecuador and the industry has been pushing for over 20 years to test the fruit here with Americans.

The conclusion: We like them- I mean, I spent $16 on 3 pieces of fruit… they’re so good.

I’ll bring a handful to runclub this Saturday for y’all to try. (if I can find them!)

So, Social Club Calendar:

  • This Saturday Morning I have 10 miles on my calendar to complete. TEN. Who wants to come with?! Joggy is Sponsoring- per usual.

    • 7 miles at 8:20 am leaving from Sorella Coffee (usually 9/9:20 pace!)

    • 3 miles at 9:30 am leaving from Sorella Coffee (community led pace)

  • This Saturday Night: My friend, Gatch, is playing in NYC. He is one of the most fun live concerts I’ve ever seen. He’s an emerging artist from Boston and does a KILLER set. Here is my favorite song, and the link to tickets! (tix only $10!) I will be there will a handful of friends, lets hang!

If you have ran with me before and loved Joggy, here is a link to their products. Use discount code ‘CAITE’ for 15% off your purchase. I take Runners High everyday.

Cant wait for a fun filled Saturday!




Asking your date their sign has created a $2.2B market.


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