Lime Social Club

An innovative venture that commenced with a casual run club in January 2023, Lime Social Club witnessed rapid growth within a span of 6 weeks. Now, Lime Social curates a diverse range of events, including comedy shows, dinner parties, concerts, workout classes, group walks, and run clubs.  
Lime Social Club on Instagram here.

Creative Direction

Event Planning

Marketing Strategy & Campaigns


Brand Design

Event Branding

43% of all Social Media followers have attended in real life events over the last 2 months.

38% of attendees, on average, will purchase sponsored goods within 5 days of Lime Events.

57% open rate on Limes Newsletter, 7% Click rate and 17% MoM growth.

Lime Social Club started as a selfish desire to find activities in New York City outside of bars and in the health and wellness sphere.

Each week we host events in health, wellness, or culture. A large majority of members are females from 25 - 32 that are looking for community in a place and time where so much of our lives are digital.

Run Clubs & Boutique Fitness Classes

Lime Social Club partners with product companies whose target market aligns with our community members. Our value add for sponsors is that they are able to enjoy the benefits of in real-life events without a majority of the costs. Community members post on socials about samples and supplementations they receive and products are boasted throughout socials. We are passed discount codes to help track product purchases afterward.

Similarly, boutique fitness studios trade free studio space and classes in exchange for content. Lime comes to classes with photographers, sponsors, and videographers looking to create a community atmosphere of fun, but document it all. Video and photo content are all passed to studios and sponsors.

Sublime Comedy was exclusively marketed on Instagram. We ran Ads on all comedian promotions and asked that comedians share with their own networks.

At the time of the first Sublime Comedy (May 12, 2023), Lime only had 350 Instagram followers. We sold 32 tickets, were able to pay hosts and comedians 3.5x industry standards for their sets, and still made a profit.

Sublime Comedy offers community members a night of laughter & fun.

Sublime’s intention is to bridge the gap for some people into the art and culture space of NYC. Many community members expressed interest in such activities but didn’t know where to find them.

So voila - Sublime Comedy.

Our new task here was ensuring our partnership reached the right audience - outside of graphics, Tess and I created a TikTok/reel post and spent minimal ad money on it. I wanted to see if we were able to reach a wider audience that would show up.

Something I found interesting was our content reach had skyrocketed, but attendance remained the same. Newsletter outreach and word of mouth were the main drivers.

In June 2023, Lime Social Club partnered with comedian Tess Tregellas from My Life as a Rom-Com. We coordinated a 3-mile walk with 3 sponsors. A group of 25 showed up the morning of our walk in their old bridesmaids’ dresses for a walk down the Westside highway.

We intended to have fun, connect, and bring out our inner child. It was a blast.


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