What the cool kids are doing: No/Low Alcohol Bevs.

I have a rule for myself- no drinking Sunday through Thursday.

Helps me save money, time and helps my productivity.

Turns out- I am not alone.

I noticed earlier last year the uprise of non-alcoholic beverages. More than a seltzer but not quite a juice. All of a sudden — influencers are sharing no or low alcohol beverages every day.

And! The positives of this trend are crystal clear.

My lack of tolerance with alcohol isn’t an issue. I can have 2-3 martinis made of no/low vodka and I’m not drunk (my favorite being Drink Body). I don’t feel bloated. I wake up fresh. No brain fog. Can have better conversations. Better memories. My favorite benefit, my weekends don’t effect my weeks.

Cool, so, I would pitch you on the health benefits, but I brought this to your attention to show you exactly HOW many people are buying into this. It’s Crazy.

  • US Sales over 1 year ending May 14, 2022:

    • Non-alcoholic spirits grew 116% to $4.5 million (alcoholic spirit sales slipped about 1%). 

    • Non-alcoholic beer jumped 21% to $316 million (beer sales fell 4%)

    • Non-alcoholic wine rose 20% to $50 million. (wine declined 6%)

  • The no/low market only represents 3.5% but that's $3.1B (as of 2021) and is set to increase. Places like Distill Ventures are opening up accelerator programs to help build these products. 

  • Ritual Zero Proof in this interview said to cross $10M in ARR during year 2 (2021). They had one seed investment in June 2020 with Distill Ventures.

We can’t conclude why there is a growing presence and demand. But, I fault the sober curious Gen Z demographic for pushing this trend. You can’t deny the numbers — there at least IS a trend. I like the movement too.

Its cool to see, enjoyable to drink and honestly- I think we bring back Hi-C but as a bubbly mocktail?

Anyone want to be my seed investor?


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