Newsletter 1.20

Hey it’s me,

It’s so wild what happens when you just start doing things.

A guy I went on two dates with in September texted me this week (yes, I have the receipts):

Awe Derek <3

I realized something important last year. Tell me if you resonate. 

I am not fearful of failure. I welcome those opportunities - growth, learning, experience all stem from that. 

BUT! I am fearful of being mediocre in public. How freaking embarrassing.

Last week's email was a huge step, specifically just putting thoughts out in public. I got texts (like Dereks) that lit up my heart and my subscribers increased by 34%!! In one day. That's a lot.  

But hold up, I’m getting off topic.  

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Run club went GREAT. It was co-sponsored by Juneshine and Get Joggy. 

  • Thai from Rage and Release ran the run and everyone was smiling ear to ear. 

  • This Saturday, Joggy will have samples for anyone that comes along. If you have a Joggy Doggy NFT you will get rewards on TYB for this meetup. Sick! (If you want to learn more about the Web3 aspect, reply to me here).

We are meeting at 9:30 at Sorella Coffee on 27th and 3rd.

After jogging we will have samples of Grab Spoonful, a Brooklyn based protein oats company. I’m so excited to share with you all. It's going to be a blast. 

We’re expecting a large group for the second week in a row. (Nice!)

Can you imagine how much fun these will get once it's warm out!?

I’ll see you tomorrow for those who can run! & if you're not running, we have more in the works for everyone to participate in. 



P.S. I wrote a cool piece on non-alcoholic beverages this week. Pretty interesting, take a look here.

This week my book club met, we just finished When Breath Becomes Air. Wow. Amazing book. We meet every 6 weeks and have read over 7 books now. If you want to read along, check out Monday's article!


Goodwill is the new Chanel


What the cool kids are doing: No/Low Alcohol Bevs.