Newsletter 2.3

I love sumo oranges. Love them.

They are only in season for a few months in the winter. 

After doing some thinking. I spend almost $30 a week on these bad boys. 

Trader Joe’s is the cheapest grocery spot in the city. I use the 32nd St location.

The store sells these oranges at $2.64 a piece. Add in the 8.875% total sales tax, we’re now looking at $2.87 a piece. 

I buy 8-10 a week. 

$23-$28.7 spent.

Let me go as far to argue, these oranges aren't even at their price ceiling. I would easily pay $3.20 per orange. I pay $7 for a mediocre latte, so why not pay $3.20 for a nutritious and delicious orange? 

Have you tried Sumo Oranges yet?

They go out of season soon.

What doesn’t ever go out of season?


Orange you glad I didn’t try and pitch you coming to run club? 

I promise next week's newsletter won't be about a fruit. But I can't stop eating these. Tag me in your insta story if you try them.



Oh! Speaking of run club…

Tomorrows Jog is with Kate Glavan, 9am meeting at Hoka in Flatiron. A nice friendly 4 miles! Bundle up…


A new sign of gentrification: more dogs in the neighborhood.


I was laid off last Thursday.