I was laid off last Thursday.

I was laid off last Thursday.

My first thought was “how do I tell people?”

It's not really about me, sure, I hated the job, but is it a bit embarrassing? Maybe.

Yet, I feel like I lost out on the egotistical desire to quit. Being the one to break up with someone is just a bit easier than being broken up with. Even if you still wanted the same outcome. 

Gosh, I am so happy I got laid off though. 

This week I talked to my usual surrounding circle, all of them ending our calls regarding this event with:

“I’m so happy for you!”


“Congratulations!! This is great for you.”

When I was told my position was being ‘eliminated’ (who chose that word as the best word?) I felt nothing. Maybe no stress since I don't have kids. Just Macie. And some relief because I had wanted to leave? My delayed, but favorite emotions: Excitement & determination. 

I’ve been wanting to paint, freelance, and train for my marathon. I’ve been trying to find enough hours in the day to pick up other work, work on brand design and possibly a new job. All of this is now at my fingertips. 

Within the first 5 days of being unemployed I have found more work within my passions than ever before (hopefully I can disclose soon!!).

I have ran into acquaintances who have noted that I look happier or more content. 

Ironically I have no income, no healthcare and wasn't offered severance. 

Maybe I shouldn't feel so at ease, but holy guacamole did I just get my freedom.

As a big risk taker, I am actually shocked with my inability to quit before this happened. But alas, I am here now. 

I will be picking up freelance and contract work in Brand Design and Graphic Design.

If you know anyone needing a hand, I am your girl!


Newsletter 2.3


The weirdest side hustle you’ve never heard of ($10K+ per month)