Newsletter 1.13

Hey it’s Caite,

I’ve made some life changing decisions in the last 18 months. 

I now live in New York City after moving back to the East Coast, no longer live with my parents (round 2, lol thanks guys!), run Athru Athletics (my first start up), work in NYC full time and have been building a community in New York of creators, runners, visionaries, ect. 

So, why am I emailing you about this?

I believe there is a “thing” in you that you are meant to do in life. I did not know mine until recently. 

Turns out it is my *own* run club. Which is perfect. 

Sure, it still doesn't have a name. 

I am an eager beaver and couldn't wait to tell you guys about it. Moving on…

This [unnamed] run club meets every Saturday morning in NYC. I will post online where we will meet, planned distance to run and who will be sponsoring that run.

YUP! You heard that right. We have SPONSORS!

Joggy will be sponsoring the [unnamed] run club for the first Saturday of every month. You will get free product samples, great laughs, an awesome run and meet tons of new people. We have a run tomorrow, but it already hit MAX capacity! 100 people are jogging with us – I'm telling you, run club is a blast. I’ll send you pictures of how it goes. 

Our next run is Saturday 1/21 at 9am. We will meet at Sorella Coffee on 27th and 3rd. Bring your groupies. Joggy will be there with product samples to kick off this run club.

Cool Caite, but I don’t run. 

Great, well outside of this run club I will send this newsletter weekly. It will be annoying if you don't care what I do, but if you do care, then this is the perfect newsletter for you.

I write twice a week about new, weird trends (like the one below). I will add my monthly event calendar – aka these runs and maybe tell you a funny story.  All of our run recaps will be on TikTok, and overall I will just be putting myself out there and see what comes back.

For this minute, enjoy this life summary you didn’t ask for. 

Then when you're done, follow me on tiktok and instagram and come to my run club next Saturday 1/21 (1/14 is at max capacity!). 

Oh! If you want to keep getting these emails – awesome. If not: Unsubscribe below, no hard feelings.

See you at run club, or next week on this newsletter.



P.S. If you have an idea for my run club name- reply to this email and let me know.


Book Club: When Breath Becomes Air


You know the stained glass lamp your grandmother has? You could sell it right now for 40% profit.